25th Sonata (Too late music) N°.1


Piano solo (± 13′)

Dedicated to Jan Van den Bossche

26th Sonata (Too late music N°.2)


Piano solo (± 13′)

Dedicated to Frank Agsteribbe

Breezy calypso


(fl, 2ob, clar, b.clar, 2 bun, 2hrn) (5′)
Commissioned by Piet Van Bockstal
Composed for Mechels Kamerorkest

Lateral strike-slip


Lateral strike-slip
(t.sax, mar+synth, pno, e.bass, drums) (9′)
Composed for Beat Love Oracle with Andreas Bral

Shattered Pieces


Shattered pieces for (cl/bcl – hrp – 2vl – vla – vcl – db) (23′)

Dedicated to Yves Knockaert
Commissioned and composed for Rachel Talitman & Ensemble Mendelsohn.
Recomposition of ‘Ten minste houdbaar tot’ (2022)

Ten sketches on the eve of a secret (and afterword)


Low voice – pno (20’)
Lyrics: Jelle Meander (translated by Frank Nuyts)
Dedicated to Sylvia Broeckaert
Arranged for Marie-Juliette Ghazarian

  1.   Everything will change (1’40”)
  2.   A horn blows past times (1’45”)
  3.   We shall forget (1’40”)
  4.   Somewhere in a remote corner (1’45”)
  5.   In clear weather (1’35”)
  6.   The man (1’35”)
  7.   Red clouds (1’45”)
  8.   In the meadow(1’55”)
  9.   Black is not a color (1’40”)
  10.  A secret (2’15”)
  11.  Afterword (1’40”)

The Gilbreth patterns


for marimba and piano (19′)

Dedicated to Daan Bauwens
Composed for Iris De Blaere & Frank Nuyts

The Seccotine Papers


The Seccotine Papers for Vla and pno (23′)

Dedicated to and composed for Roland and Florian Peelman

Tien schetsen aan de vooravond van een geheim (en nawoord)


Low voice – pno (20’)
Lyrics: Jelle Meander
Dedicated to Sylvia Broeckaert
Composed for Wilfried Van den Brande

  1.  Alles zal veranderen (1’40”)
  2.  Een hoorn blaast verleden tijden (1’45”)
  3.  We zullen vergeten (1’40”)
  4.  Ergens in een uithoek (1’45”)
  5.  Met helder weer (1’35”)
  6.  De man (1’35”)
  7.  Rode wolken (1’45”)
  8.  In de wei (1’55”)
  9.  Zwart is geen kleur (1’40”)
  10.  Een geheim (2’15”)
  11.  Nawoord (1’40”)

Zoo more or less


Low voice – mar (26′)
Lyrics: Jelle Meander (in English)
Dedicated to: Anke Buckentin
Drawings: Frank Nuyts
Poems translated by Frank Nuyts
1.  The sometimes slug
2.  The beaming bee
3.  The Who knows water buffalo
4. The wavering amoeba
5.  The tentative tit
6.  The all but sea lion
7.  Interlude
8.  The circa cat
9.  The pretty much perky parot
10. The cheating shelfish
11. The plus/minus gull
12. The about ewe
13. The 
indefinite water thing

Zoo ongeveer


For Low voice and marimba (26′)
Lyrics: Jelle Meander
Dedicated to: Anke Buckentin
Drawings: Frank Nuyts

  1. De soms slak (1’50”)
  2. De bijna bij (1’55”)
  3. De wie weet waterbuffel (1’50”)
  4. De aarzelende amoebe (1’55”)
  5. De meestal mees (1’55”)
  6. De zowat zeeleeuw (2’10”)
  7. Interlude
  8. De circa kat (2’15”)
  9. De pakweg papegaai (1’35”)
  10. De naar schatting schaaldieren (1’30”)
  11. De naar schatting schaaldieren (1’30”)
  12. De omstreeks ooi (1’30”)
  13. Het bij benadering waterding (1’50”)

(30 years)Out on a limb

for fl, bcl, mar solo, pno, vl, vla, vlc.( 11′-12′)

Commissioned by Filip Rathé
Dedicated to Spectra Ensemble for its 30th birthday.

3 4 2


for oboe and cello

Dedicated to Lena Jooris

3 Songs from Carbon fixation (2015-’23)


for Alto voice and piano
– Calling names (6’30”)
– Convertible superstar (4’15”)
– Drawing up (5’45”)

lyrics: Frank Nuyts
(Arrangement from Carbon Fixation for Hardscore)

Après tout ceci (2010-23)

An excerpt of the chamber opera ‘Middle East’

for mez.sop, fl, clar, vib, pno, vln, vla, vcl. 4′

Lyrics (in French) by Philippe Blasband.
Dedicated to Spectra Ensemble

Car scars


for sopr sax, mar+synth, ebass, drums & multipad (5′)

Composed for Beat Love Oracle
(Arrangement of ‘Love to hate’ from Carbon Fixation.

Dans les hauts bois

for 2 oboes and English horn 9′

Commissioned by Piet Van Bockstal Dedicated to Jean-Marie & Janneke Bytebier

Niet menselijk (2023)

For voice, vib & drumtape 4′

Dedicated to InanInan


for speaker, fl(ad lib same person),mar, pno,db. ± 23′

Commissioned by Les nièces de Diderot Dedicated to Saskia Goethals.

Oyster riffs


for piano (6’45”)

Commissioned by Keiko Shichijo

Dedicated to Aïda Gabriels

Prompts and happenstances

for reed quintet (oboe,clarinet,alt sax,bass clar,bassoon).( 10′)

Commissioned by Andy Dhondt for ‘Breathe’
Dedicated to Andy Dhondt and Jef Neve

Rastapasta (Spectra version) (1986-2023)

For fl, bass clar, vib, pno, vln, vla, vlc. 4′

Dedicated to Spectra

Resonance of life


For oboe and piano. (3’15”)
Dedicated to Guy Coolen

Composed for Piet Van Bockstal and Gabi Sultana

Sixty is just a number

for oboe solo 2’30”

Commissioned by Kristien Ceuppens,
Dedicated to Piet Van Bockstal.

The Fairy Trios


for sax(es) – mar – perc (=cajon with pedal, snare drum, cymbal) (40′)

Composed for Beat Love Oracle Trio
Dedicated to Nelis Naessens and Valentine Wanders
– Brushing off the fairy dust (3’30”)
– Rapunzel’s comb out interlude 1 (3’20”)
– Eager frog shuffle (3’35”)
– Rapunzel’s comb out interlude 2 (3’25”)
– Tom Thumb gets a fine (3’35”)
– The Emperor’s dress (3’35”)
– Rapunzel’s comb out interlude 3 (3’25”)
– Goldilocks and the three Rastas (3’15”)
– Rapunzel’s comb out interlude 4 (3’15”)
– iPhone, iPhone who’s the fairest on Instagram? (3’40”)

Three arias and coda from Middle East


Bass-bariton voice and piano (12’40”)
– Prelude and Nous allons nous asseoir (4’13”)
– L’homme au keffya (1’57”)
– Après tout ceci (3’32”)
– Coda: Paroles inutiles (2’32”)

Lyrics: Philippe Blasband
Dedicated to Paul Van Roey
Arranged for Wilfried Van den Brande
Arranged from the chamber opera ‘Middle East’



For Toy Piano (7’15”)

Commissioned by Keiko Shichijo

Dedicated to Kristiina Poska


for oboe and jingles 6’10”

Commissioned by Piet Van Bockstal Dedicated to Kristien Ceuppens

Bar foot

for pno-tsax-mar-ebass-drums 5′

Composed for Beat Love Oracle and Liang-yu Wang Dedicated to Erik Desimpelaere

Count us in

for sax-mar-ebass-drums&multi pad 5′

Composed for Beat Love Oracle

Drawing up

for sop – pno 7’30”

Adapted from a song from Carbon Fixation

Hondje is moe

for sop – fl – hrp 3’30”

Lyrics: Frank Nuyts Composed for Liesbeth Devos, Femke Van Leuven & Leen Van der Roost

Hunting the opposites

for two timbales (Cuban drums).6′

Dedicated to Jeff Nuyttens

I call you ocean

for sop – b clar -theorbe 6’30″‘

Commissioned by Xanadu Dedicated to Piet Van Bockstal

Lawless lowness

for woodwind quartet (clar,bass clarinet,bassoon,contrabassoon.10’30”

subtitle: sputtering heights Commissioned by HaftCraft Dedicated to Régis Dragonetti

Mark the beat!

Marimba, piano & timpani 1’20

Composed for Marc Van Praet

Nuanced gravity

Lyrics by Laurence Servaes for sop – pno 5’30”

Commissioned by Laurence Servaes Dedicated to Pieter Lembrechts


for quintet (vibraphone,violoncello doublebass,harp & piano).3’33”

arrangement for Extended Music Collective


for sop – fl – harp 3’30”

Lyrics: Jana Arns Composed for Liesbeth Devos, Femke Van Leuven & Leen Van der Roost

Suite Paternelle (red marimba)

Marimba, piano 13′

This piece is based on arias of the chamber opera ‘Paternel’

Ten minste houdbaar tot

Flute, marimba and piano 30′

Dedicated to Yves Knockaert Composed for ‘Les nièces de Diderot’

This ain’t fake

for harp solo 15′

Commissioned by Stef Van Vynckt Dedicated to Jean-Pierre Vanhee and Martine de Groote

Two dolphins crashing a beach party

for 2 marimbas 6’30”

An arrangement of ‘Two whales crashing a beach party’ for 2 electric basses

Une fille comme Anne

for soprano, flute and harp 3’45”

Commissioned by Claire Edwardes (Aus) This piece is an arrangement of an aria from the chamber opera ‘Paternel’by the same authors

21 Drawings for Tree score Book3

Based on ‘De (nieuwe) avonturen van Pim Pernukkel’ by Jelle Meander

See also Tree Score Book 3 for marimba solo composed in 2020

A whistleblower’s tale

Flute – harp 8’30″

Composed for Stef Van Vynckt and Nathalie Van Meirvenne Dedicated to Arielle Valibouse

Adam und Arnold mit Frank

Clarinet/bass clarinet-s/t/bar saxophone-organ 15′

Commissioned by Frank Debruyne (extended version of Adam und Arnold of 2005)

Aesthetics for survival

Flute, violoncello & harp 8′

Composed for Stef Van Vynckt, Nina Vanhoenacker and Nathalie Van Meirvenne (EMC) Dedicated to Jana Arns

Canto Catártico

Contrabass flute 9′

Commissioned by and dedicated to Ned McGowan

Double, double, toil and trouble

2 oboe players (also Oboe d’amore & English Horn 25′

Composed for Piet Van Bockstal & Kristien Ceuppens Dedicated to Luc Zeebroek and Kathy Van Geuchte

Eden drill

Tsax&synth, mar&synth, el.bass, drums+Multipad 6′

Composed for Beat Love Oracle

Hammer abandon

Pno, tsax&synth, mar&synth, el.bass, drums+Multipad 9′

Composed for Beat Love Oracle

Lichaamsvreemd II

For reciter, marimba and piano 25′

Poems by Jana Arns First performance scheduled in Limerick Bookshop. Dedicated to Soetkin Rigole

Radical Risk (2nd Piano concerto)

Pno solo, tsax&ssax&synth, mar&synth, el.bass, drums + Multipad 25′

Composed for Beat Love Oracle Dedicated to Rafa Dorado

Satellite delight

Ssax&synth, mar&synth, el;bass, drums+Multipad 6′

Composed for Beat Love Oracle

Sunset squabbles

Tsax, mar&synth, el.bass, drums+Multipad 6′

Composed for Beat Love Oracle

Barefoot on thin ice

Tenor saxophone+synthesizer-marimba+synthesizer-electric bass-drums+Multipad 5′

composed for Beat Love Oracle Dedicated to Jan Van Houtteghem and Elsie Poulyn

City Rounds

2 oboes, clarinet, bass clarinet, trompet, 6 percussionists, vibraphone, marimba, harp, piano, bass guitar, strings (without viola) – 23′

(Based on ‘Low-key music’ and 1 fragment of ‘Double Takes’) Commissioned by Stedelijke Academie voor Muziek Woord en Dans van Vilvoorde on the occasion of iets 100th anniversary (1922-2022) Dedicated to Kristien Ceuppens.

Covid-19 arrangements

Marimba and piano

Bella ciao (Italian traditional, Corona Waltz (F. Nuyts), Danse Rituale de feu (De Falla), Don’t stand so close to me, Every breath you take, Every little thing she does is magic, Walking on the moon (Sting), I wish you haven (Prince)

Dangerous liquids

Tenor saxophone-marimba+synthesizer-electric bass-drums 6′

composed for Beat Love Oracle Dedicated to Jan Van Houtteghem and Elsie Poulyn

Heute ist unser

Three Tenor Consort Recorders 16′

Commissioned by Apsara with financial aid City of Ghent Dedicated to Birgit Van Cleemput


speaker-marimba-piano 55′

Poems by Jana Arns (temporary withdrawn, see Lichaamsvreemd II) 2021 First performance scheduled in Limerick Bookshop Ghent Dedicated to Soetkin Rigole

Niet menselijk

vocals–guitar–bass-drums 3’30”

Composed for Maï Nuyts and Jan Vanhoutteghem

Raven en de reus

piano 4′

Commissioned by Jeff Nuyttens Dedicated to Raven Nuyttens (published by HRDSCR Editions)

Shaky balance

Soprano saxophone-marimba+synthesizer-electric bass-drums+Multipad 6′

composed for Beat Love Oracle Dedicated to Jan Van Houtteghem and Elsie Poulyn


Tenor saxophone+synthesizer-marimba+synthesizer-electric bass-drums+Multipad 5’30”

composed for Beat Love Oracle Dedicated to Jan Van Houtteghem and Elsie Poulyn

Sticky stomp (at the crack of dawn)

Tenor saxophone+synthesizer-marimba+synthesizer-electric bass-drums+Multipad 7′

composed for Beat Love Oracle Dedicated to Jan Van Houtteghem and Elsie Poulyn

Tarmac row

Tenor saxophone+synthesizer-mariba+synthesizer-electric bass-drums+Multipad 2′

Composed for Beat Love Oracle Dedicated to Jan Van Houtteghem and Elsie Poulyn

Tree score (book3)


for marimba solo (20-23′)

Dedicated to Noah and Anouk

With drawings by Frank Nuyts

Tree score book 3

Marimba 20-23′

Dedicated to Noah and Anouk Published by HRDSCR Editions

Two whales crashing a beach party

2 electric basses 8’

Composed for Stijn Deldaele Dedicated to Robert Groslot.

Code Buster (an optimist’s game)

For oboe slo 25′

CCommissioned by and composed for Piet Van Bockstal Dedicated to Darius Blasband

Last round

Piano solo 7′

Commissioned by Peter Thomas for Stephan De Jonghe Stichting vzw Dedicated to Maarten Van Ingelgem


oboe-2recorders-clarinet-2violin-viola-cello-doublebass-vibraphone-marimba-harp-2trombone-bass trombone – 40′

contains fragments of Code buster-tote su mound-Säulen der Stille-Comeback (quartet-Yearning yarn). Commissioned by Veerle Simoens for Flanders Festival Ghent, First performance 14 September 2019, Casco Phil conducted by Benjamin Haemhouts.

Taking Till’s measure(s)

Clarinet-bassoon-horn-violin-double bass 17-18′

Commissioned by and dedicated to Oxalys

The shadow twins

Harp and piano 14′

Commissioned by Stef Van Vynckt Dedicated to Annemieke Elst and Joris Blanckaert

Totu su mundo est paesu.

Clarinet solo 20′

Commissioned by Raf De Keninck Dedicated to Daniel Gazon

Tree score (book 1)

Marimba solo 20-22′

Dedicated to Luc Leybaert Published by HRDSCR Editions

Tree score (book 2)

Marimba solo 20-23′

Dedicated to Mark Janse Published by HRDSCR Editions

Tube mates

For 2 trompet (Bes) and piano 2’15”

Dedicated to Paul Clinck

Visions of an outcome

Piano-violin-cello 13′.

Commissioned by Khaldei (rework of Hmm) Dedicated to Dirk Ooms and Tine Wyns

(Candle) Light Music

recorder(s) & harpsichord 17′

Commissioned by Tomma Wessel & guy Penson. Dedicated to Geert Riem

23rd Sonata for piano solo

subtitle: three chords rebellion 19′-20′

Commissioned by Luc Van Loo Dedicated to Annabelle Van Esser Available on CD: Hardscore Records Sonata 22,23 and 24, 2019003

24th Sonata for piano solo

subtitle: where the trail becomes a trace. 24′

Commissioned by Barbara Baltussen Dedicated to Olav Grondelaers Available on CD: Hardscore Records Sonata 22, 23 and 24, 2019003

A Walk with a friend

For marimba & electronic piano (or piano) 13′

Dedicated to Petra Deltour & Joost Van Damme


Tenor saxophone-marimba-electric bass+vocal-drums 5′

Dedicated to Jonathan Bonny Composed for Beat Love Oracle CD:Don’t Count On Us!áMARXE D.L.:M-29299-2020


For voice and piano 3′

Text: Cesàrio Verde Dedicated to Marleen Denayer

Moody Walks in a city park

Piano 4 hands 14′

Commissioned by Luc Van Loo Partial transcription of ‘Sacha’

Neat beats always need hits

Tenor saxophone+synthesizer-marimba+synthesizer-5string electric bass(EADGB)-drums 9′

Dedicated to Gabi Sultana and Koen Tryssoone Composed for Beat Love Oracle LP: ‘Who’s Counting?’ CD:Don’t Count On Us!áMARXE D.L.:M-29299-2020

Säulen der Stille

2 tenor recorders 11′

Dedicated to Bart Vanreusel and Erica Van de Reyde Composed and commissioned for/by Apsara duo

Them tunes really don’t come easily

Tenor saxophone-marimba-double bass 3′

Dedicated to Jan Van Houtteghem, Elsie Pouleyn & Julia CD: Fingerprints #3