- A las nueve de la noche (fl – 2vl – vlc and pno)- 1975
- A symphony of Scraps For orchestra (17′)- 1988
- A symphony of Scraps reduced version for 2 keyboards and percussion (17′)- 1988
- A Walk with a friend For mar & electronic piano (13′)- 2018
- A whistleblower’s tale (Fl – harp) (8’30”)- 2021
- About-face BLO (5′)- 2018
- Adagio ( pno ) (5′)- 1980
- Adam & Arnold (org – perc) (12′)- 2005
- Adam und Arnold, mit Frank, (cl/bcl – s/t/bar sax – organ) (15′)- 2021
- Aesthetics for survival (fl – vcl – harp) (8′)2021
- Ai da vede (SMATBB) (9′)- 2002
- Air victorieux for mixed choir (2′)- 2010
- Airs à gogo (6 solo voices : SSATBB) (15′)- 1994
- Alejándome del camino (fl – pno ) (7′)- 1976
- Alsof de hand nooit meer weggaat (orch: 2-1-2-1 2-1-1-0 aSax,2perc,cel,strings)(11′)- 1979
- And spring ran cold forever (woodwind quintet) (11′)- 1992
- Anthology (for three to six voices or choir) (11′)- 2004
- Après tout ceci for mez.sopr, fl, clar, vib, pno,vln,vla, vcl (4′)- 2023
- Arabische nacht (for narrator and piano) (75′)- 2009
- Au départ (pno) (1’30”)- 2007
- B – Side Art (mar – pno – seq or tape – drums ) (15′)1990
- Bajadillas (cl – vcl – pno) (10′)2005
- Bar foot BLO (5′)2022
- Bare Beats (Etude for Snare drum & Piano) (3′)2015
- Barefoot on thin ice BLO (5′)2020
- Beat Love Oracle 2017
- Beat Love Oracle (60′-65′)2016
- Beck’s cool (6 young perc) (3′)2001
- Bekket a musical mimodrama (vocal ensemble, clar, b.clar, perc. pno) (60′)2003
- Bekket: 1st Suite (mar-pn-perc) (12’30”)2005
- Bekket: 2nd suite (cl, vlc, pno, mar & perc (1 player) (7’30”)2007
- Bekket: 3 Pieces (pno) (15′)2007
- Bekket: 3 Songs (high voice and pno) (10′)2007
- Between the treasure and the sun (2 synths, pno & drums) (4’15”)2014
- Bombos del sol (2 perc ) (10′)1981
- Boyhood’s end (tenor – pno – tape ad lib (25′)1998
- Brushing off the dust for sopsax, mar, and drums (3’30″2023
- Busyness as usual (cl – pno) (15′)2002
- Button Music (51 jingles for a cd rom) (9′)2001
- Cambio madre por moto chamber opera (60′)
- Canto cátartico for contrabas flute (9′)
- Carbon fixation hardscore ensemble (74′)
- Car scars (5′) (2023) (sax-mar+synth-ebass-drums&multipad)
- Chili 1973 (for big ensemble)
- Choice beat (6 young perc – electronics) (10′)
- Cinq Grimaces: Erik Satie – Frank Nuyts Arranged for 3 recorders
- City Rounds (2ob cl bcl 2bsn trp 6perc vib mar hrp pno bass gtr strings (without vla) (23′)
- Claus harmonieën (sop – fl – vcl – pno) (9′)
- Cloudscapes I Cloudscapes I (14′)
- Cloudscapes II (pno – mar ) (14′)
- Cocopolo ( rec – pno) (5′)
- Code Buster (an optimist’s game) For oboe solo (25′)
- Cold Calypso (fl-clar/bclar-trp-trb-perc (1or2)-pno-db) (5′)
- Cold Calypso (fl-clar/bclar-trp-trb-perc (1or2)-pno-db) (5′)
- Comeback Quartet (string quartet) (19′)
- Count us in BLO (5′)
- Couple dances (violin and bass clarinet)
- Covid -19 arrangements for marimba and piano
- Crack-time (pno – 4 perc ) (5′)
- D&C (Fl (also pic) and 6 harps) (5’30”)- 2011
- Dangerous liquids BLO (6′)- 2020
- Dans les hauts bois for 2 oboes and English horn (9′)- 2023
- De Brabançonne – F Van Campenhout
(Bewerking F. Nuyts)Violen, altviolen, celli, 2 vibra en 2 piano’s.- 2009 - De ladders zat / Au bout des gammes (pno) (8′)- 1993
- De tous biens playne (mar.solo) (16′)- 2008
- De Trouw van Mira en Miro, een straatopera (13′)- 2009
- De Vlaamse Leeuw – K. Miry (Bewerking F. Nuyts)
Violen, altviolen, celli, 2 vibra en 2 piano’s.- 2009 - De Wijdere Wereld van Water (for narrator and pno) (25′)- 2008
- Different from habit (orchestra: 3 2 3 2 – 4 2 2 1 – 3 perc – strings) (13’30”)- 2004
- Divérance Trio for flute, viola da gamba (tenor viool, GCFADB tuning) and piano (2’15”)- 2011
- Double takes sop, mezzo-sop, b,t,a,s,s recorder (1player), vcl, el. keyboard (with el.pno sound & a slow synth sound marimba) (30′)- 2015
- Double, double, toil and trouble (2oboe players) (25′)- 2021
- Drawing up (7’30”)- 2022
- Drie koortjes uit Ga.n (sopr – mezzo-sopr – alt) (5′)- 1993
- Eden drill BLO (6′)2021
- Edgeways (pno) (9′)1994
- Empty music (marimba solo) (9’30”)2004
- Euphonic Movements (2 pno – 2perc ) (11′)1986
- Fast Wood quintet (woodwindquintet) (5′)1994
- Festive piece for Lier (string ensemble) (2′)2013
- Five Preludes for weathered Stones (ob – pno) (6′)1975
- Fivepenny beats & The seven beats itch, fl (also picc),bcl,vln,vla,vcl,pno drums (7′)1993
- Four Middle East Songs (English version) (bass & pno) (15′)2016
- Four songs from Middle East (high voice & pno) (15′)2016
- Frank Zappa Arrangements (withdrawn)
arranged for Hardscore. (20′)1995 - From Ipem with love (a.sax or b.sax– tape ) (10′)1980
- Ga.n a chamber opera (2 sop–mez so –tenor- recit. – 3 synth + wave station) (90′)1993
- Genesis (For reciter, flute and piano)1974
- Give me your bunch of fives (2 mar or 3 mar ) (7′)1987
- Hammer abandon BLO (9′)2021
- Happy Birthday For piano, bass and drumset 2019
- Hard Scores book 1 composed for Hardscore (20′)1995
- Hard Scores Book 2 (revised version) composed for Hardscore (20′)1998
- Hard Scores book 2 (withdrawn: see 1998 (20′)1995
- Hard Scores Book 3 (revised version) composed for Hardscore (30′)1998
- Hard Scores book 3 (withdrawn: see 1998) composed for Hardscore (30′)1996
- Hard Scores book 4 “Tubes for sections” composed for Hardscore (21′)1997
- Hard Scores Book 5: “Surf, wind and desire” composed for Hardscore (65′)1999
- Hard Scores Book 6: “Monkey trial” composed for Hardscore (60′)2000
- Hard Scores for Orchestra (vib – mar- pno, 2/2 (also Eh) /2 (also bcl) /2 – 2/2/2/ tub – timp – 4 perc – ) (14′)1996
- Hard Scores revisited (1u30′)2013
- Heute ist unser (drei tenor Consort blockflöten) (16′)2020
- High tide shuffle for ten.sax, mar and drums (3’15”)2023
- Hmm… (sop & keyboard) (17′)2017
- Hommage à… (bis) for one percussionist (3”)1979
- Hommage à… (fl – perc )1979
- Hondje is moe for sop-fl-hrp (3’30”)2022
- Hunting the opposites for two timbales (6′)2022
- I call you ocean (6’30”)2022
- IKS IKS (string orchestra with two added young students parts) (4’30”)2013
- Impossible for voice and piano (3′)2018
- Innocence in admiration a concerto for piano and ensemble (20′)2008
- Interlude for Hard Scores for Orchestra (vib – mar – pno) (2′)1998
- Kaleidoscope (string orchestra or 5 solo strings) (8′)2002
- Kicking the brass monkeys (brass band) (10′)200
- La Pamplona (for marimba) (3′)1988
- La sale mère, le boeuf et le crampon (sax quartet ) (13′)1981
- Last round (pno) (7′)2019
- Lawless lowness for woodwind quartet (10’30”)2022
- Le tombeau de Ravel (cl or a.sax– vib – pno ) (10′)1975
- Leaving (from Bekket) (arr. for flute and pno) (5’45”)2012
- Les angoisses de Cynthiçan (tape ) (11′)1984
- Lichaamsvreemd (speaker, mar, pno) (55′)2020
- Lichaamsvreemd II for reciter, mar&pno (25′)2021
- Liederen uit “Ga.n” 3 (high voice – pno) (20′)1993
- Liederen uit “Ga.n” 3 (high voice – pno) (20′)1995
- Living between Big Bangs (16 perc – 4 vocal – 2010 ssax 2as ts bs 0211 euph) (12′)2002
- Love by fortune sent (sop – str) (3’30”)2003
- Low-key music (large ensemble: 1 (also pic) 0 3 (3=bcl) 0-0 1 1 0 – 2mar 1perc solo string-5 (9’30”)2004
- Low-key quartet (4 perc) (10′)2006
- Low-key trio (2 marimba’s and drum) (10′)2005
- M.A. Blast For organ (7’30”)2009
- Mark the beat! (1’20”)2022
- Methuna ( a.sax – pno – tape ) (12′)1978
- Middle East a chamber opera (60′)2010
- Mock-up Rock: (piano solo) (13′)1996
- Moody Walks in a city park (pno 4 hands) (14′)2018
- Music to raise hell (2 trp – 2 trb – 2 hrn – tub – 2 perc) (10′)1992
- Muziek aan de (m)ether (For violin)1983
- Neat beats always neats hits BLO (9′)2018
- Never ending strings (for guitar) (1′-?) (withdrawn2005
- Niet menselijk (voc – guit – bass- drums) (3’30”)2020
- Niet menselijk for voice, vib & drumtape (4′)2023
- No quiero que os separéis (fl, ob&ca, pno) (11′)2017
- Nocturne and Romance: Dimitri Shostakowitch – Frank Nuyts for 3 recorders and cello2001
- Noite inquieta a monodrama (mezzo sopr. strings) (45′)2012
- Nuanced gravity (5’30”)2022
- Öde (For fl – clar – sax(Es) & timp) (2′)1985
- Off all time for mixed choir and ensemble (2’45”)2005
- Old Airs (6 voices, SMATBB) (8′)2006
- Only heads and tails (pno – ten sax – mar) (15′)1996
- Ontbreekwoorden for speaker,fl (ad lib same person),mar,pno,db (± 23′) (2023)
- Out on a limb (30 years) for fl, b.cl, mar solo, pno, vl, vla, vcl) (11′-12′) (2023)
- Oyster riffs (2023) for piano (6’45”)
- Paternel a chamber opera (45′)2013
- Pete’s Waltz (For sax and drum)1984
- Philtre (fl – db ) (5′)1984
- Pok-pok (5-12 young perc) (8′)1994
- Powerline (perc – pno) (6′)2001
- Prince’s Pride For young percussionist and piano (1’30”)1989
- Prompts and happenstances for reed quintet (10′)2023
- Radical Risk (2nd pianoconcerto) (pno solo,tsax&ssax&synth,mar&synth,el.bass,drums+multipad (25′)2021
- Rastapasta (fl – 8 vl – 2 vla – 2 vlc – 1db or 2 keyb or mel.inst.- bass inst. – keyb ) (4′)1986
- Rastapasta (Spectra version) for fl, bass clar, vib, pno, vln, vla, vlc (4′)2023
- Rastapasta for quintet vibr-vlc-db-hrp & pno (3’33”)2022
- Rats and rabbits (fl – cl – vl – vla – vcl – perc) (12′)2005
- Raven en de reus (pno) (4′)2020
- Re: Birth (3′)2002
- Réconciliation et amour For high voice and piano (3’20”)2013
- Resonance of live (2023)
for oboe and piano
- Sabbristie Mobile for one percussionist (5′)1979
- Sacha for ensemble and slides (12’30”)2010
- Sacha version for piano 4 hands (12’30”)2010
- Satellite delight BLO (6′)2021
- Säulen der Stille (2 tenor recorders) (11′)2018
- Savannah (hrn – fl – 2 perc ) (5′)1982
- Schakering for sop-harp (3’30”)2022
- Shattered pieces (cl/bcl-hrp-2vl-vla-vlc-db) (23′) 2024
- Schlemozzle (5 perc) (4′)1992
- Scrolling ME pianotrio (11′)2014
- Second version of part 2 of 18th sonata (4’30”)2013
- Sehnen (remake) 2 vle (8′)2004
- Sehnen (vl – vcl ) or (2 vle) (5′)1985
- Seventy B’s Falling from Seven Apple Trees (pno) (2′)2014
- Sex, age and aria for a sexagenarian (snare drum – pno – tape) (1′)1996
- Shaky balance BLO (6′)2020
- Sixty is just a number (9′) (2023)
for oboe solo - Slow and sure & Fast and sure (pno) (12′)2009
- Smaart for sop-fl-harp (3’30”)2022
- Smaart For voice and pop band. (3’30”)2015
- SMS for 3 recorders and violoncello2001
- Solo for flute from Sonivers II (3′)1980
- Sonata 1 revised version “rule of thumb” (16′)2006
- Sonata 13 ‘straddling the gaps’ (19′)2011
- Sonata 14 ‘plea nor play’ (21′)2011
- Sonata 15 ‘Orchard’s rim North: Brick Wall’ (22′)2012
- Sonata 16 ‘Orchard’s rim West: Cubed Sky’ (18′)2012
- Sonata 17 ‘Orchard’s rim South: White Aisle’ (17’30”)2012
- Sonata 18 “Orchard’s rim East: Gothic concretion” (16’30”)2012
- Sonata 19 (when close to the heart) nothing is enough’ (18′)2016
- Sonata 1B: ‘Bruna Husky’ (19′)2015
- Sonata 2 “nomen nudum” (25′)2002
- Sonata 20 ‘radical risk’ (19′)2016
- Sonata 21‘Atlantis renascent’ (19′)2016
- Sonata 22 ‘…a momentary gain of sharing…’ (19′)2017
- Sonata 23 three chords rebellion (19′-20′)2018
- Sonata 24 where the trail becomes a trace (24′)2018
- Sonata 3 “…et voces, praetereaque nihil…” (26′)2002
- Sonata 4 “Adde parvum parvo” (22′)2002
- Sonata 5 “Blue rays-Ry’s blues” (21′)2003
- Sonata 6 “outlaw’s exit” (20′)2006
- Sonata 7 “The wider world of water” (21′)2007
- Sonata 8 “…a way, a lone, a long, a last…” (18′)2009
- Sonata 9 “Terra firma” (20′)2009
- Sonata n° 10 “Second (to none)” (20′)2009
- Sonata n° 11 “be(LL)loved” (11’30”)2009
- Sonata n° 12 “ni poids ni loi” (18’30”)2009
- Sonivers I (for sopr & ensemble: fl cl hrn clb mzsopr vib perc db) (12′)1979
- Sonivers II: Inmediaciones del noche… (fl – sopr – speaker – tape & ensemble: fl cl bcl hrn vib perc pno 2vl vcl db) (45′)1980
- SOSpresso BLO (5’30”)2020
- Sprint (perc – pno ) (5′)1982
- Squib (chamb orch: 1111 111 2 perc pno hrp str soli ) (10′)1985
- Stained staves for mixed choir (3′)2010
- Sticks and grooves (perc) (9′)1994
- Sticky stomp (at the crack of dawn) BLO (7′)2020
- Strings of Memories (withdrawn) For amplified violoncello, woodwind quintet and strings (20’20”)1998
- Suite I. Strawinsky (Bewerking Frank Nuyts) (Fl – Clar – sax – timp ) 1985
- Suite Paternelle (red marimba) (13′)2022
- Suite Paternelle for English Horn & sinfonietta (without trb & perc) (13′)2014
- Suite Paternelle reduction for English Horn and piano (13′)2014
- Sunset squabbels BLO (6′)2021
- Sur d’almes cadences (sop, vcl, hrp) (12′)2013
- Swift Songs (sop – clar – pno) (11’30”)1997
- Symphonie 2 “Wal” (orchestra: 3/3/3/3 – 4/2/3/1–timp–2perc–strings–sop solo–pno solo) (30′)1993
- Symphony 3 (orchestra: 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 strings) (16′)1997
- Symphony 4 Brandgang (orchestra: 2 2 2 2 – 4 2 2 1 – timp – 2 perc – strings) (35′)2005
- Symphony 5 ‘fetish’ for chamber ensemble (30′)2009
- T.a.n.s.t.a.a.f.l. (ob-2rec-cl- 2vl-vla-vcl-db-vib-mar-hrp 2trb-btrb) (40′)2019
- Taking Till’s measure(s) (cl-bsn-hrn-vl-db) (17′-18′)2019
- Tarmac row BLO (2′)2020
- Ten minste houdbaar tot (30′)2022
- Ten sketches on the eve of a secret (and afterword) (2023-’24)Low voice – pno (20’)Lyrics: Jelle Meander (translated by Frank Nuyts)
1. Everything will change (1’40”)
2. A horn blows past times (1’45”)
3. We shall forget (1’40”)
4. Somewhere in a remote corner (1’45”)
5. In clear weather (1’35”)
6. The man (1’35”)
7. Red clouds (1’45”)
8. In the meadow(1’55”)
9. Black is not a color (1’40”)
10. A secret (2’15”)
11. Afterword (1’40”)
- The Abduction of the East (35′)2006
- The Accidental Martyr for mixed choir (8′)2007
- The fairy trios (40′)(2023)sax(es)-mar-perc (cajon with pedal, snare drum, cymbal)
1. Brushing off the fairy dust (3’30”)
2. Rapunzel’s comb out interlude 1 (3’20”)
3. Eager frog shuffle (3’35”)
4. Rapunzel’s comb out interlude 2 (3’25”)
5. Tom thumb gets a fine (3’35”)
6. The Emperor’s dress (3’35”)
7. Rapunzel’s comb out interlude 3 (3’25”)
8. Goldilocks and the three Rastas (3’15”)
9. Rapunzel’s comb out interlude 4 (3’15”)
10 iPhone iPhone who’s the fairest on Instagram? (3’40”)
- The odd moments (ten sax – mar – pno )1996
- The Roughcast Song (6 voices a capella:SMATBB) (8’30”)2001
- The Seccotine Papers (vla – pno) (23′) 2024
- The shadow twins (hrp-pno) (14′)2019
- The Trances (4 perc) (14′)2006
- The X songs (SATB) (14′)2005
- Them tunes really don’t come easily BLO (3′)2018
- They could see no shadow (vcl&pno) (25′)2018
- They’re no better than they should be (pno) (9′)1991
- This ain’t fake (15′)2022
- Three arias and coda from Middle East (2015-’23) (12’40”)
for bass-bariton voice and piano - 3 4 2 (2023)
for oboe and cello - Three pieces from ‘Musiques d’enfants’ op. 65 – S Prokofiev (Bewerking F. Nuyts) For flute and Double bass1984
- Three songs from ‘Carbon Fixation’ (16’30”) Alto voice and piano
1. Calling names (6’30)
2. Convertible superstar (4’15”)
3. Drawing up (5’45”)
- Tien schetsen aan de vooravond van een geheim (en nawoord) (2023-’24)Low voice – pno (20’)Lyrics: Jelle Meander
1. Alles zal veranderen (1’40”)
2. Een hoorn blaast verleden tijden (1’45”)
3. We zullen vergeten (1’40”)
4. Ergens in een uithoek (1’45”)
5. Met helder weer (1’35”)
6. De man (1’35”)
7. Rode wolken (1’45”)
8. In de wei (1’55”)
9. Zwart is geen kleur (1’40”)
10.Een geheim (2’15”)
11.Nawoord (1’40”)
- Tohuwabohu (rec – pno) (5′)1994
- Tongval a chamber opera (25′)2011
- Totu su mundo est paesu (clar solo) (20′)2019
- Tree score (book 1) (mar) (20′-22′)2019
- Tree score (book 2) (mar) (20′-23′)2019
- Tree score (book 3) (mar) (20′-23′)2020
- Tribal Triads (3rd suite of Bekket) (2fl-ob-2cla-bsn-asax-tsax–hrn-2trp-2trb-tub-pno) (14′)2011
- Trip the light fantastic mar solo &2fl 2ob cl bcl 3hrn 2 trp 3trb timp 2 perc strings (7′)2018
- Tripping fyfes (recorder quartet and perc) (16′)1997
- Tube mates For 2 trp (Bes) and piano (2’15”)2019
- Tumbleweed Concerto A concerto for violoncello and orchestra (20′)2015
- Two dolphins crashing a beach party (6’30”)2022
- Two little pieces for piano 4hands1976
- Two pieces for Pete (for sax (or other mel. instr.) keyb drums ) (7′)1985
- Two quartertone pieces don’t make a half one (for a mechanical quartertone organ) (9’15”)2007
- Two whales crashing a beach party (2 electric basses) (8′)2020
- Uit een verborgen lade / From a hidden drawer (pno ) (8′)1982
- Une fille comme Anne (3’45”)2022
- Up to scratch (arr. for flute and pno) (6,15″)2012
- Up to scratch 5 pieces for violin and piano (12′)2009
- Updated memories (mar – pno) (20′)1995
- Valse Cassante (for orchestra) (2’35”)1997
- Ver weg herfst For mezzo sopraan and piano, integrated in the 5th Symphony (3’30”)2008
- Visions of an outcome (piano trio) (13′)2019
- Vol au vent (tub – pno or bcl – pno ) (3′)1984
- Voortbestaan For: fl – picc – ob – cl – bcl – bssn – 2hrn F – Tr – Trb – perc – db – pno (2’10”)2005
- Water Music (sop – mar ) (12′)1989
- Weemoed !(vl & pno ) (2′)1974
- What Beat Watts? BLO (14′-15′)2018
- What poor an instrument may do a noble deed (perc – pno ) (8′)1990
- When the tombs of brass are spent (mar – electronics – drumcomputer – brass ensemble ) (12′)1991
- Woodnotes, Concerto for marimba & orchestra (20′)1987
- Woodnotes, the Magnificent Seven version (arr. for 7 perc ) (13′)1987
- X-Raying my Radio “the Volharding version” (12′)2008
- X-raying my…radio (6 voices a capella: SMATBB) (13′)2001
- XXX Songs (6 voices SSATBB) (18′)2007